
Lock-down Days; My Books And Films Recommendation For Everyone

Since all of us are at home and spending more time at home, I thought now this would be a good time to share a list of all of my books and films recommendation– that I think to make for these slow, uncertain days where you might be looking to escape for a while or to take your mind off of things or you can start or refresh your reading, watching habits during this quarantine period. I utilize my slow times on books regularly and reading a minimum of 50 pages on average per day. I hope you can find something new to read or watch amongst my favourites & I really hope you’re keeping yourself safe & healthy! I’d love to hear about your go-to book/film/seasons/music/podcast… picks and what you’re turning to at the moment so feel free to suggest them in the comment section. So, here’s my Books and Film recommendation for everyone. 

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Books Recommendation

If you want to escape for a while with a book that you won’t want to put down and that’ll keep you intrigued, then I’d definitely recommend Kafka On The Shore by Haruki Murakami. Kafka on the Shore is a metaphor. It follows no rules to abstract rules, it doesn’t appropriateness the issues. It tops you off, it tears you down. A fugue of feelings is available, you can’t make sense of which of the wide range of realizations flooding you are generally significant. Waves move up over and over on the seashore of your awareness and from the start, you oppose, however, sooner or later, you comprehend that your battle is inconsequential, so you surrender. You read you believe, you attempt to comprehend, you attempt to bode well. What’s more, guess what? You love it.

If you’re looking for more of a slow burn, historical fiction, then I’d definitely recommend Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austenanother beautifully written historical romance set in the eighteenth century, and it was worth all the time I took to understand it. I completely adored the main characters, the diversion, and above all else the sentiment. I viewed the film and cherished it likewise, however, the book is significantly detailed and descriptive. Certainly a top pick! I highly recommend it to everyone. You will love perusing this one.

One of my favourite books of all time Malgudi Days by R K Narayan is extraordinary. It has a great deal pulling out all the stops – short section like the stories all interconnected by the area (Malgudi, Narayan’s anecdotal Indian town) and with some character hybrids, it is entirely meaningful, covering a scope of subjects key to Indian life. The characters are a splendid blend of ‘incomprehensible not to adore’ and ‘unlovable’, from all strolls of Indian life (likening to standing), and are for the most part intriguing.

The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck by Mark Manson is the book I recommend to everyone and one I’m sure you could read in one sitting– Magnum opus, staggeringly interesting. I don’t usually go for self-improvement books cause to me they are no different! Grin more, love more, despise less, don’t surrender, it’s going to be alright, it’s everything in your mind. My favourite contemporary pick!

If you’re looking for a memoir to pick up, then I always recommend And the Mountains Echoed by Khaled Hosseini and I don’t see myself stopping anytime soon– I still don’t think I’ve read a book that’s as vivid and beautiful as this one. It is a tribute to siblinghood and all the delights and heartbreaks that accompany it – the torment of division, the blame of jealousy, the solace of friendship, the weight of obligation. In contrast to his past books, Hosseini embraces a short-story approach for this one. There are various accounts in numerous time spans spread over a few unique nations, all associated with a typical connect to Afghanistan.

Even more recommendations; Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts, Shiva Trilogy by Amish Tripathi, The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho, The 5 AM Club by Robin Sharma and The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri.

Films Recommendation

My favourite slow, beautiful films :

Short Term 12, Portrait of a Lady of Fire, Before Sunrise, After Sunset, Arrival, The Florida Project, Her, Columbus, Blue Jay, At Eternity’s Gate, Marriage Story, Frances Ha, The Lake House, Room, Your Name.

Feel good/comedy picks:

Lady Bird, The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, Stuart Little, Knives Out, Dr. Dolittle, The Grand Budapest Hotel (basically any Wes Anderson), Little Miss Sunshine, Crazy, Stupid Love, La La Land, About Time.

Romance and Classics:

A walk to remember, Notebook, The last song, Singin’ In The Rain, Roman Holiday, Mary Poppins, Dead Poets Society, The Secret Garden, Mrs Doubtfire, Clueless, Matilda, The Parent Trap, You’ve Got Mail.

Top Dramas:

Emma (2020), Pride and Prejudice (2005), The Young Victoria, Little Women (2019).

Drama, Dark Comedies:

Parasite, Billy Elliot, Blindspotting, Blackkklansman, The Farewell, Prisoners, The Social Network, Captain Fantastic, Beautiful Boy, Roma.

Some favourites Series:

Friends, The Big Bang Theory, Strangers Things, Game of Thrones, Supernaturals. 


“ Let’s get lost in a world made of books, movies, coffee and rainy days.”


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12 thoughts on “Lock-down Days; My Books And Films Recommendation For Everyone

  1. I want to read Shantaram and now will be reading Norwegian woods by Murakami . I agree these books as you recommended are evergreen always and books are always the best companion to deal with lockdown blues . Hope you are enjoying your new days in Mumbai now . Stay bless and stay safe girl. Good days will be here soon .

  2. Thanls for the list Pamela. I have most of the books and watched few of the movoes you recommended here. But I would say your list is amazing as they all are great picks.

  3. While I always love reading a good book every now and then, the last time I was reading more books than ever before was the I was in 11th and 12th, and eversincme, the numbers have just gone down. First withe the college, then the job and now the blog. I just ending up spending most of my free time on my blog. Initially at the start of the lockdown I was glued to Netflix, but then I realised I had to cut it out, else I was loosing my creativity, and with it my sanity.

  4. The lockdown has indeed given all of us more time to delve deep into what we like to do. Be it reading books, watching movies, or bingeing on web series. You have curated a nice list from across genres. Though we watch movies and web series, nothing beats the pleasure of getting lost in the pages of a classic.

  5. Now am sitting online and checking to see if the movies listed here are on Amazon prime or not 🙂

    Good read and thanks for the list!

  6. Pamela… you have definitely summed up books and films well… Malgudi Days came as a pleasant surprise, my favourite too. I have read few of the books and watched the movies… but still have a lot to catch up with, so off to….a

  7. Such an awesome list. I have not seen many of those movies actually. I would love to watch some of these. I definitely needed a list. Thanks Pamela. And re books I am at a sad state, I have lost my focus and I definitely want to get back to reading. I hope I can get the ones you have recommended and I will start reading again with these.

  8. Wow Pamela, a comprehensive list. I have read few books and watched a few movies, but still a lot left to be seen. I watched stranger things on Netflix, during the lockdown and liked the series a lot. I have started Pride and Prejudice, looking forward to it all the more.

  9. Thanks for sharing so many amazing options. These are some great picks. I already watched some of the movies and read some of the books.

  10. Thanks a lot Pamela For sharing your books and Film recommendation during lockdown with amazing you tube video.I have watched The Big Bang Theory and next will go with Stranger Things.

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